Apr 6, 20212 min

Designing a small business website for 2021

Updated: May 19, 2021

Websites are pretty much standard for small businesses in 2021. But 2020 taught small business so many important factors on why their business needs a website. Not every website is designed for selling products directly, actually most have a entirely different purpose. That purpose is to connect with their consumer base. Below are several reasons why your website needs to be redesigned and updated for 2021.

Well Designed Websites Create Credibility

Outdated Website Design

This is tough to look at huh? Imagine you search for a local business, click on their site and this pops up. The thought that immediately pops into your head is, "how fast can I possibly hit the back button?" This is what we want to avoid in 2021. Herd Media believes in modern, minimal designs that make your small business look like a full-blown agency. Let's focus on the user experience and how they are going to interpret your brand.

Amazing Photos=Amazing Engagement

I am going to throw the obvious at you this time but you need to hear this. People do not like to read texts on websites. So focus on telling your small business's story with the photos on your website. Quality, high-resolution photography can take websites to the next level, your iPhone can do amazing things but lets leave this to the professionals.

Contact, Contact, Contact

Herd Media cannot stress enough that one of the core goals of your website needs to be contact points. 2021 is all about speed baby so lets get your customers in-touch with you in every single way possible. Contacting small businesses should be simple with having your businesses phone number, email, instant messenger, and texting information plastered all over your website.

We rest our case!

It really is not that complicated to upgrade your website. Reach out to Herd Media by clicking here for a free quote. Also, check out our list of clients that have upgraded their website here.

#smallbusinesswebsitedesign #herdmedia